Image of Pathways road with trees and flowers

Anna Lucía Alfaro Dardón

Ana Lucia Alfaro

About Me


Hello! My name is Anna Lucia Alfaro Dardón – Ana Lucia Alfaro, Investor, Harvard MPA/ID and business owner. I´m here to help you thrive and elevate your business or life to its highest potential! By presenting my own personal and professional experiences, I hope to serve as a beacon of hope of making the impossible – possible for you!

A brief introduction of me: I am an investor and proud business woman. Originally from Guatemala, a citizen of the world! By having lived, studied and/or worked in over 16 countries around the world, I bring a rich world perspective and unique professional and personal experiences. My professional experiences spans across the private sector, governments, civil society and multilateral organizations.  I have professional experience working in investments, corporate strategy, economic and financial consulting, financial institutions, research, government, public policy and international development economics for the World Bank Group, the Inter-American Development Bank, USAID, among others, in the Americas, Europe and Africa. 

  • MPA/ID Master in Public Administration in International Development Economics, Harvard University.
  • MBA Master of Business Administration, INCAE Business School.
  • MBA Master of Business Administration, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Leipzig, Germany.
  • International MBA Exchange Program, IE Business School, Madrid, Spain.
  • Harvard Kennedy School International Fellow, Harvard Women and Public Policy Fellow, Harvard Cultural Bridge Fellow and Alumna of the IVLP – International Visitors Leadership Program from the U.S. Department of State and part of the Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas Initiative. 
  • Co-Founder and Vice-President of E&D Kapital
  • Co-Founder and Vice-President of E&D Enterprise and Development
  • Founder and President of FemmeInvestVentures
  • Founder and President of MujerÉxito y Desarrollo

For more in depth information, please check out my profile!

Image of Ana Lucia Alfaro, Investor Harvard MPA/ID, from Guatemala. Anna Lucia Alfaro Dardon

“Our life is what our thoughts make it.”

― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

My Personal Blog (under construction… Stay tuned!)

My Professional and Personal Projects

For Inquiries and Consultations, contact us through our Social Networks.

Image of view sunset. All Rights Reseverd

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is
the wellspring of life.”

―Proverbs 4:23
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